Bamboo seeds have not germinated well. We have had only 10-12 saplings so far. I dug out the polybags and saw that most of the seeds were rotting. I guess the following may be the reasons for their rot.
- I think I may have planted them too deep. I dug them out and sprinkled a thin layer of compost on them. Hope a few more can germinate.
- Most likely I may have over-watered them. The soil felt soggy.
- I should have sprouted them well before planting in the soil. Their chances to survive would have been higher.
- There were ants and other critters loitering around the seeds that may have eaten a few of them.
In a few days from now we will be visiting a bamboo farmer who runs a 53 acre bamboo farm. He is around 6 hours away from our place. He has many bamboo varieties and also has a bamboo nursery .
Will share my learnings in this space. Quite excited about this trip.